Please take a few moments to fill out the arrangement form provided below. While it may be challenging, we ask that you try to provide us with as much information as possible for the Vital Statistics Agency of BC. Doing so will allow us to begin the at-need or pre-need arrangement process and completion of necessary documents.
Once these initial questions have been asked, the funeral director will contact you to further the arrangements. Please know that should you have any questions or concerns; please do not hesitate to contact us.
If someone has passed away, please call us as well as completing the form below.
Thank you for you for submitting the arrangement form. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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We're sorry to hear that! Please ensure all fields required fields* are entered, or contact us for assistance.
Click here to learn more about complimentary The Book of Memories online tribute page.
Click here to learn more about Eternity's Touch unique digital fingerprint mementos.
Click here to learn more about the variety of wood, biodegradable and metal urns we offer for all budgets.
Click here to learn more about the variety of cremation & burial caskets we offer for all budgets.